***Registration form due by Oct 22nd***
REGISTRATION FORM: https://tinyurl.com/FallRetreat19DCF
SCHOLARSHIP FORM: https://tinyurl.com/FallScholarship19
Join us for DCF's Fall Retreat as we get away from Davis for a weekend and build relationship with each other and God. We're heading to Lake Tahoe and have secured an amazing price of $60 for NEW STUDENTS! And only $80 for returners :)
*If you add a $50 deposit towards our SALT Winter Conference in Santa Cruz (Jan 2-5), you automatically secure your spot and also get a free new DCF long sleeve.
Schedule (Subject to Change):
Friday night:
3pm: Leave Davis (earlier the better to beat Friday traffic)
8pm: Session 1 (worship + sermon)
8:30am: Breakfast
9:15am: Session 2
10:30am: Team building work project shift 1/optional breakout session
12:15pm: Lunch
1:30pm: Team building work project shift 2/optional breakout session
3pm: Free time to explore the lake/study
6pm: Dinner
7pm: Session 3
8:30am: Breakfast
9:15am: Session 4
12pm: Leave for Davis
Your registration includes lodging, Saturday breakfast/lunch/dinner and Sunday breakfast! What a deal!
You can pay via cash, check, venmo, online, or paypal:
Venmo (@dcfdavis) // please write "DCF Fall Retreat 2019"
Cash or Check (make it out to DCF)
Online - http://www.dcfdavis.org/give/ - "Give to DCF"