Join us online this quarter!! Here are our regular weekly events.
IG: @dcfdavis - Worship at 11am Monday-Friday
FB: - Large Group Tuesdays at 8pm
FB Group for Spring 2020: Ask a staff member/CoFa to add you!
Zoom Prayer: - Thursdays at 1pm (click the link at the planned time) Have a prayer request?
Core Groups: Check out our “Core Group” tab for times. Want the specific link for virtual core group? Contact the Core Facilitator or text Liane (408) 489-7407 or Michela (209) 480-8323
Conversation Hour: Come meet international students! Conversation hour is continuing on Zoom on Fridays at 7pm. Fill out this interest form and check out the FB page to stay updated! Contact Leanne or Ana for the Zoom link!
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Want to stay up to date with our DCF calendar? Subscribe to our google calendar here!