Core Groups are a great way to make some new friends, learn to study the Bible, and get plugged into DCF. A Core Group is a small group of men or women who meet weekly for worship, Bible study, and fellowship. They begin Monday, October 2nd.

The mission of our core groups:

  1. To provide a space for people to feel known, challenged, and encouraged.

  2. To study the word of God and pursue His purpose for our lives.

  3. To facilitate communal growth on a personal level because we believe we are active participants in each others' transformation.

Would you like to join one? Just show up and/or fill out our DCF welcome form to get contacted by our core group facilitators. Have any questions or need a suggestion for which one to join? Feel free to reach out via our contact form on our website and a staff member will get back to you.

Freshmen Core Groups (Women/Men)

Janice and Shauna
Mondays @ 8pm (Location: Cuarto)

Kim and Clare
Wednesdays @ 7pm (Location: Tercero)

Haley and Amy
Thursdays @ 7:30pm (Location: Segundo)

Samuel and Carson
Wednesdays @ 8pm (Location: Segundo/Cuarto)

Philip and Boaz
Thursdays @ 8pm (Location: Tercero)

Upperclass Core Groups (Women/Men)

Mattea, Zeeann and Maia
Mondays @ 7:30pm (Location: Glory House)

Ana and Monica
Wednesdays @ 6pm (Location: 836 Adams Ter. Apt B Davis, CA 95616)

Abigail and Kaitlin
Wednesdays @ 7pm (Location: Glory House)

Amanda and Ellie
Thursdays @ 7:30pm (Location: Glory House)

Mondays @ 8pm (Location: DCF House)

Joshua and Andrew
Wednesdays @ 8pm (Oak House)

Judah and Nathan
Thursdays @ 7pm (Location: DCF House)

"Look and see, for everyone is coming home! Your sons are coming from distant lands; and your little daughters will be carried home." Isaiah 60:4